What I Love About San Francisco

In her last cityseekr post, our intern Ayeon Song reflects on her time here and what she will miss most about the City by the Bay.

Night Views 
San Francisco has the most beautiful scenery in the world! The view from Twin Peaks is my favorite.

Freedom to be Yourself
I love the atmosphere in SF, where it feels like people are respected regardless of their national origin, gender or creed. In the Bay Area, people don’t really care what other people are doing. They accept them as they are. In Korea, people care too much about others and judge people by their appearance. Everyone wants to be pretty. Plastic surgery is not just for celebrities anymore; in Korea it’s the most popular birthday present. But if you are in San Francisco, no one judges you! Be yourself and enjoy your freedom.

The Disney Store, Sony Angel and Vinylmation: Heaven
I have no curfew, but my parents put a limit on me buying toys. How can I stop buying my favorite characters? My luggage is already full of toys.

The Food
Blue Bottle Coffee – it’s the best in San Francisco, I can’t live without it! And In-N-Out Burger – isn’t it good? I fell in love with American food and In-N-Out’s secret menu. Animal style!

Hurry, hurry – you hear this all the time in Korea, where cities don’t have parks for you to catch your breath. In San Francisco there are lots of beautiful places where you can rest and take a moment to relax.

I experienced lots of things in San Francisco. There are no bad memories! Luckily, I met a good teacher at the school, a kind and humorous supervisor, and great co-workers.  This experience has given me hope that my life will be good when I go back to Korea. Goodbye, my SF.

Bye Ayeon! We’ll miss you! If anyone has any parting thoughts or advice for our lovely intern, let us know in the comments section or via our Facebook and Twitter pages!